God's designs are perfect, and everything that happens is by his will; He united two powerful women with different lives, ages and paths but with purpose and feelings In common, we are Leidy Cerda and Paola Gaviria, we work together to make the world a better place and spread our legacy so that more people join together no matter where. they are, what they have to offer and what they can do; one complements the other we help each other mutually and we are faithful believers that this has allowed us to move forward, learn and heal to share what we have learned with love, faith and dedication.
We believe that all children and young people can accept themselves
themselves, decide their future and change the world.
Our mission
We are an organization that focuses on the provision of social and community services in vulnerable areas of the city of Cartagena through interventions that promote the prevention of psychoactive substance consumption, teaching them the love of God, of study, and of sport, with the objective of training people comprehensively full that can improve their quality of life, developing their potential and thus contribute positively to society.
Our vision
Be an accredited entity at the national and international level, with an area of action at the local level, recognized as reference for social transformation and attention to beneficiaries through compliance with the objectives of our community work plan.
We are a non-profit organization whose principle is to develop and express the love of God through of acts of service in different communities of the city of Cartagena
We have highly trained staff at a professional and spiritual level determined to meet all the objectives in this year 2024 and thus be able to have a new generation in a @estadopoderoso